Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Adventures of the Three Wise Men

Christmas bells rang out on high
As three wise men went wandering by
In search of a baby in a manger
Who, by Herod's Law, was in great danger

They came upon a stable door
These three wise men, they knew the score
Inside they heard the cattle low
And peaking in they could see a glow

Laden with gifts at the ready
(Evel Keneval and Peter the teddy)
These three approached the glow so warm
To gaze upon the holy form

But Laws Above! God on High!
Twas nothing but a filthy pig sty
With piglets suckling at the breast
The three wise men...had the wrong address!

Just then one of them cried aloud
"Look up there behind that cloud
A light did call us from afar
I think we should just follow that star"

So off they went those three wise men
Never ever to be heard of again
And if you're thinking of following stars
You'd best stick to the ones with guitars.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Attractive Irish tourists on Playa de los Genoveses